16th December.......... . Ted Morgan's wife would like to pass on a message to all 86 Transport (Vietnam) members after the
passing of Ted.
Hi Rob, I hope you don't mind me e mailing you as Bill Hignett gave me your e mail address.
So many 86ers have contacted me through calls and cards that I can't reply to each of them individually
so I was wondering if you could put this message on the web site.
"Thank you to Ted's mates from 86 who sent cards, rang and came to Ted's funeral.
I was touched by the sincere care shown by his mates.
Ted loved the reunions and thought so highly of his mates.
Thank you again ............... Kerry Morgan"
Kerry, all members again pass on to you our message of sorrow and we hope to catch up with you in Victor Harbor next year. We will have a drink on Ted.
20 Things to do at the Reunion
The 2014 Reunion Committee has compiled this list of 20 THINGS TO DO when you attend the Victor Harbor Reunion.
Dont forget, you can also pre book your visits by contacting the Victor Harbor Information Centre.
You can access the 20 THINGS TO DO list by clicking this link button.
1st December.............The 2014 Reunion Committee advises all those attending the Reunion that the Beachfront Caravan
Park is reviewing their park fees for 2014. This will happen in February 2014. As a result of our
negotiations, 86 Transport (Vietnam) members will receive 10% off the new 2014 park fees.
Please make the management aware of your Reunion attendance to receive the discount.
16th July ..... The 2014 Reunion Committee are again requesting photos of past 86 Transport (Vietnam)
members that are no longer with us. They have a Remembrance Service planned and there
are a few pictorial gaps to be filled. Please access the Deceased Members Roll link below
and send any photos through to Denis Hicks, email provided on that page.
4th July ........... The 2014 Reunion Committee is requesting members to look at the Deceased Members
Page and contribute any photos of past 86 Transport members for the
Deceased Members Roll. Any photos may be sent to the 2014 Committee by accessing this
Link below. Any assistance or information would be appreciated.
25th June.......... The 2014 Victor Harbor Committee has now supplied the current Attendence List for
the Reunion. Have a look at the List and jog anyone you know thats going to Register.
This new Registration Form includes shirt sizes and "Bitumen Burners" Order Request
Tuesday 14th May
The Adminstrator of this website has asked for this to be on our Notice Board. Interesting photos relate to Recruit Training.
This web site is for all National Servicemen 51-59~~~65-72 who have any Platoon or Section photos that they would like added to this archive before they are lost.
All photos sent in must belong to you or you have been given the ok to send them to me which I will keep on file.
If you see a photo of your army friends and you would like a copy of photo please email the person to get permission. If the email is out of date please email me.
Michael at;
Website; www.nashosphotos.wikidot.com/
Email; mva09006@bigpond.net.au